Collapsing society?
• ONE doesn’t have to be religious to see that the homosexual lifestyle is disordered, dangerous and destructive (Keep God in his place, July 10). It certainly is not something the civil authorities ought to be promoting or encouraging.
There is an extraordinarily high incidence of suicide and other violent deaths among homosexuals. Has everyone forgotten what happened to Rudolf Nureyev, Kenny Everett, Freddie Mercury, Rock Hudson, Liberace and John Curry? (Here’s a clue: none of them topped themselves because they were upset by “homophobic hatred”).
If religion has to be brought into it, okay here goes: God’s design for the human family is the most obvious and self-evident truth of the created order. To reject this truth is to render oneself open to every destructive folly to which the mind of man is susceptible, for it is to reject the foundation of logic itself.
It is for this reason that the surest predictor of a society’s collapse is its acceptance of homosexuality.
Goswell Road, EC1
• FOLLOWING the article about the latest registrar who refused to marry a gay couple (Second registrar ‘No’ to gay marriages, June 26), I would like to congratulate and encourage these two ladies. If they are to be punished for this, they know that they will be rewarded as well.
Theresa and Lillian have stood by what they have been taught and believe. And what they believe is what the British taught and believed for many years while a successful nation.
Throughout history it can be clearly seen that when a nation has based its social foundations on Biblical principles, that nation succeeds. When these Biblical principles are undermined, ignored or compromised, that nation will decay.
Britain fits this lesson from history very well. The cause of the current British (and many other nations’) social decay is directly related to the non-adherence to Biblical principle.
To you two ladies – and anyone else who shares your conviction – take heart because you are anchored to a reliable Rock.