Overworked heads admit they’re running on empty
• YOUR report about Jay Henderson, the sacked head of Canonbury Primary School, makes for uncomfortable reading (Sacked head: My regrets... and my anger, July 3). The details of his working week are not uncommon among headteachers in our schools and I can point you to a number of heads who have privately told me they are “running on empty” as a result of what they are being asked to do.
Under successive Labour and Tory governments, schools have become places which can severely affect the health of headteachers. Unnecessary, tedious... > more |
The future is green - IF readers have not yet heard of environment group Transition Highbury they will soon. We are a community-based initiative... > more
Swine flu: what to do - SWINE flu is proving to be a relatively mild virus in people who are generally... > more
Keep God in his place - THERE seems to be some confusion with so-called religious belief and the law (Christ taught tolerance not this attitude to gays... > more
Why pick on bingo? - ON the hottest day of the year, we Zimmers spent hours standing in the blazing sun at Westminster. Why? To tell the government... > more
So proud of our youth - THE Tribune has always given a lot of space to arts coverage, and I’d like to use your columns to express my genuine... > more |