Housing list update
• IT is good practice for councils to ensure the housing register – which has taken over from the old waiting list – is current and reflects the needs of people in the community. As you can imagine in a place like Islington, people’s housing circumstances change frequently, and we need to know who has the greatest need for a home.
Islington’s housing officers are reviewing the housing register now, and have written to everyone on the list. I would urge everyone who has received a letter to reply so we have up-to-date information on your needs. You can reply using the form sent out or via our website.
More details are available on our website at www.islington.gov.uk/housing/hsgreview09.asp. Housing applicants who have not responded by the end of July will receive a further reminder.
I would like to assure all applicants that people who do not respond will not be removed from the lists. Although their applications will be suspended, they will be reinstated if they contact the council at any time in the next 12 months.
Anyone who is concerned about this process can email rehousing@islington.gov.uk or call 020 7527 4140.
Corporate director of housing and adult social services, Islington Council