My thanks to medics
• ON June 21, I was in St Luke’s Community Centre when I stupidly made a mistake in my medication, lowered my blood pressure beyond belief and fainted quietly away. I woke, finding myself being attended by two women from the centre, one at least of whom was a first-aider. While searching for what seemed to be a non-existent pulse, they had obviously phoned the emergency services and there shortly arrived a paramedic on a motorbike.
He took my blood pressure and waited with me until two men arrived with an ambulance and whisked me off to University College Hospital, joking all the while after using the FACE code and making sure I did not seem to have had a stroke.
Once in accident and emergency, male nurse Dave took over and did all that could have possibly been needed, including making me laugh, and I was handed over to a young doctor, Rachael, who continued to check my blood pressure, took blood samples and did an ECG to make sure my heart was working well. She eventually told me I could go home. I would like to thank this medical team and also the good friends who at a moment’s notice collected me and brought me home.
Not a sign of discrimination because of my age... I am almost 81.
(Name and address supplied)