Arsenal cries foul over sports centre ruling
ARSENAL’S managing director has accused the Town Hall of jeopardising a new sports centre by making extra demands on the club.
Ken Friar said he was “shocked” to discover further conditions had been added to the club’s plans to provide a sports centre in Queensland Road, Highbury, a meeting of Islington Council’s east area planning committee learned last week.
Arsenal finally agreed to provide the sports centre following a long campaign by residents.
In a letter to committee chairman, Labour councillor Phil Kelly, Mr Friar said: “We were shocked when the sub-committee decided to attach a series of new conditions regarding the use of the sports centre and the amount of play space to be provided without any consultation with Arsenal and without any regard to the viability of the project.”
The committee’s stipulation that the number of free-hours public access to the centre should increase from 11 to 37 was “totally unacceptable”, he said. “Similarly, for the committee to impose requirements on the development that will allow access to all amenity areas without consultation is also unacceptable,” Mr Friar added.
Cllr Kelly said the club must respect the decision of the committee, although there could be room for negotiation. “The committee put those conditions on unanimously,” he added. |
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