
The ‘canyon’ on Regent’s Canal towpath |
Will the cyclists fall for ‘canyon’?
CYCLISTS who had not yet got the message to ting their bells and give way to pedestrians on canal towpaths got their comeuppance on Wednesday when they found themselves teetering on the brink of a canyon.
The unusual artwork, at City Road Basin on the Regent’s Canal towpath, is part of a campaign by British Waterways to encourage cyclists to ride responsibly and avoid colliding with walkers. A Year 3 class from Hanover Primary School, which is located next to the canal, stood a little nervously on the precipice of the canyon, which was created by local street artists Joe Hill and Max Lowry.
Parents and children at the school have raised concerns about the speed of cyclists on the towpath.
British Waterways’ towpath ranger Joseph Young said: “The majority of cyclists and pedestrians who use the towpaths share the space amicably. “However, there are a handful of users who refuse to slow down and share the space with their fellow pedestrians and cyclists.” |
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