You can help cadets
• I AM a civilian committee member of Islington Squadron Air Training Corps, based in Parkhurst Road, Holloway. We are trying to raise funds for tents and rucksacks so cadets can participate in Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
We are taking part in a scheme at Waitrose in Holloway Road, under the Community Matters cause, where shoppers can donate a green token to the charity of their choice, with the three selected groups receiving a share of £1,000 a month.
We are also involved in a charity bag-packing scheme at Morrisons in Chalk Farm tomorrow (Saturday). Cadets will pack bags, help with trolleys and assist anyone in a general way.
Cadets, aged 13 to 17, get the chance to be off the street and participate in flying, gliding, target shooting, abseiling, rock climbing, first aid, sports and music. They attend two nights a week.
Squadron Leader David Hall
Parkhurst Road, N7