Broadband link for all
• IN the dash to spend taxpayers’ cash before the next election, the new Labour quango EC1 New Deal, together with Lib Dem-run Islington Council, is proposing to pilot free broadband with computer equipment in an area within Lib Dem-Conservative marginal Bunhill ward.
The proposal, which applies to 812 council tenants, sounds good on paper but purposely excludes council leaseholders. The 11,000 Islington leaseholders are increasingly becoming a persecuted minority.
I would urge the council to think again on this issue. If there is to be a free broadband trail to bridge the digital divide, we need one which benefits all, regardless of housing status.
It is unacceptable to use the resources of EC1 New Deal, which come from the general taxpayer, to benefit only one group on estates.
Why should leaseholders be excluded from the free broadband provision offered to neighbours? They are as likely to need internet access for job search, starting up businesses and other purposes as anyone else. Indeed, we have to ask whether it is even legal to exclude them.
Antonia Cox
Islington Conservative parliamentary spokeswoman