
Tim Newark |
Town Hall staff paid an ‘absolute fortune’
COUNCILLORS and Town Hall officials have been warned to keep their “snouts out of the trough” in the wake of the scandal over MPs’ expenses.
Local Taxpayers’ Alliance representative Tim Newark said the number of “fat cats” working in the public sector had grown enormously.
But he warned that there was now a backlash among residents who feared that they were not getting value for money.
Mr Newark, a historian who lives in Highbury, said: “Whereas in the old days people who went into public service were paid modestly, today they can make an absolute fortune and unlike the rest of us retire with a full pension. “This idea that public sector workers are only getting the equivalent of what they would have received in the private sector is utter rubbish. “In the private sector there is no job security and, unlike when you work for a local authority, fewer pensions are based on final salary.”
Mr Newark, a former Conservative prospective candidate, said that once the House of Commons had been put right the focus should be turned onto local government. “I’m sure boroughs like Islington can afford to cut consultants, expenses and salaries when they verge on the ridiculous.” |