Match day penalties
• WE now have a situation where unsuspecting motorists are fined for parking near the Emirates Stadium on “phantom” match days. On May 22, Arsenal reserves played in the Youth Cup, a match entirely unpublicised and attended by a very small number of spectators.
Large numbers of extra cars would not therefore be coming into the area and traffic flows would be the same as on any other normal day. Yet the council chooses to treat these minor games the same as a full-blown, first-team match day when 60,000 people come to watch.
An army of parking wardens is dispatched around the match-day parking zone to hand out entirely unnecessary tickets to motorists who had no inkling of a match taking place and parked their cars in restricted roads before 8.30pm. Because they knew nothing about this match, they would not have thought it necessary to check the flip-down plate on the CPZ signs. Even if they did they would not have seen the logic of not being allowed to park.
If the council wishes to have logical and reasonable parking enforcement, as it keeps saying it does, it’s time to stop penalising drivers on minor match days.
Danny Michelson
La Fromagerie
Highbury Park, N5
• ARCHWAY traders are calling on Islington Council to review the 8.30am-1.30pm parking restrictions on Saturday, which we believe unnecessarily hinder trade.
We appreciate some parking restrictions are needed during the week to stop commuters leaving cars. The same reasoning does not apply on Saturdays. The council is committed to helping residents and businesses during the recession. Removing parking restrictions on Saturday would be a small, but direct, way of doing this.
Most businesses in Archway are independent traders who have been serving the community for many years. We believe removing the parking restrictions would encourage people to spend more time shopping in the area and to visit earlier in the day.
Archway could pilot this over a six-month trial period.
Hak Huseyin
Chair, Archway Town Centre Management Group