Discount this survey
• A SURVEY going out to homes in the borough gives the impression pensioners will only be able to get their council tax discount if they register with Labour. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Every pensioner in Islington who was 65 or over on April 1 and who pays council tax (or whose partner does) is eligible for the discount regardless of political views. The council has details of nearly 5,000 qualifying pensioners because we provide the Freedom Passes which give them free travel on buses and trains. We have written to all these residents confirming that their £100 council tax discount has been paid to them.
There will be some pensioners who qualify for the discount who we haven’t been able to identify from our Freedom Pass and council tax records. If you haven’t had a letter from the council and think you qualify, call the council’s helpline on 020 7527 2633.
Don’t let Labour fool you into thinking only it can get you this discount. And please do not be bamboozled into giving the Labour Party any personal details you don’t want to disclose.
Lib Dem executive member for finance