Let wardens rid our street of its 14 types of dog dirt
• OUR street is so full of overspilling bins and dog excrement that residents in Grosvenor Avenue, Highbury, are forced to weave their way along the pavement to get to their homes. Dodging the dog dirt is part and parcel of our daily commute.
Last year, we invited two council officials to take a look at our street. They shook their heads with dismay, one even counted 14 examples of dog excrement. “Fourteen different types!” he exclaimed.
At last we thought, someone had heard our plea, seen our pain and would do something about it. They promised us they’d collect our rubbish twice a week and let residents know when to put their rubbish and recycling out (the day seems to change from week to week).
They assured us they would clean streets of the filth so we could walk down our lovely avenue without the constant paranoia of the textures underfoot. To their credit, they did clear the pavements of the 14 specimens of dog dirt. However, the day after and all the days since, it’s been life back to normal. The street is full of overflowing recycling, too many bins and a steady flow of dog excrement. Who are the irresponsible owners and why does the council not seem to care? It has put up posters around the area promising to fine people if they let their dogs foul but do they ever catch anyone? I’d bet there are still 14 types of dog dirt on our street.
Just a suggestion, but if the wardens were as vigilant over dog fouling as parking, everyone, apart from the selfish dog owners, would be onto a winner, the council would have an additional stealth tax, our streets would be cleaner and, hey, maybe we’d even be happier for the wardens to reach their targets for the week. Nothing wrong with multi-tasking!
N5 (Name and address supplied)
• I FIND it completely selfish to see so many dog owners walking their dogs on the pavement in Milner Square, Barnsbury, and leaving the dog’s poo there.
I request that the responsible authorities monitor this situation as it is getting out of hand.
Most of the dog owners I see clearly do not live in Milner Square. As the saying goes: don’t poo on your own doorstep does not mean you can poo on mine.
If action is not taken pronto then I will have to take action myself.
a cat lover
(Name and address supplied)
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