Let’s share our square
• I AM a Barnsbury Square resident who is also a dog owner and sympathetic to many of non-dog owning Annette Trickitt’s concerns (Dog owners have taken over our lovely square, March 13).
However, I feel I must put her right on a couple of matters. I have lived on the square for 12 years and, far from deteriorating since the Friends have been involved, the square has improved greatly.
When my son was a toddler seven or eight years ago I could not let him play in the square for fear of him picking up a hypodermic syringe (which once happened) and because the dog mess situation was out of control.
Even a few years ago the square in summer was besieged by teenagers who would leave a trail of beer cans and condoms.
I have since acquired a dog and, in common with other responsible dog owners using the square, pick up my own dog’s mess and frequently that of other people’s dogs. It is the most regular users of the square – invariably dog owners – who pick up and bin rubbish as well as garden and clean benches. And it is the popularity of the square with dog owners that has kept other, undesirable elements at bay.
I must also dispute Ms Trickitt’s claims of verbal abuse by dog owners. On the one occasion I have seen her in the square, she was welcomed and offered a cup of tea by one of the Friends, an offer she didn’t respond to.
Barnsbury Square regulars want the square to be used and enjoyed by as many people as possible – it helps to support the Friends’ appeals to the council to maintain the appearance of the square. No resident wants any other to feel ostracised and if Ms Trickitt feels that way I am truly sorry.
I would encourage her to use the square more and see that the majority of dog owners will respect her right not to be bothered by their dogs and will be happy to enjoy a few pleasantries with her.
There must be a way for responsible dog owners and non-dog owners alike to enjoy the square as we all share a concern for its upkeep.
Barnsbury Square, N1