Mall ruling so unfair
• IT was very sad that a government inspector has ruled that the Mall on Camden Passage can be turned into a big chain store, destroying the antiques market that has been there for 40 years (Battle to rescue Mall finally lost, February 20).
The council tried to protect the Mall traders, but the government inspector rode roughshod over that local decision. Why should an inspector appointed by government minister Hazel Blears be able to overturn locally-made decisions supported strongly by local people?
What’s worse is that the government inspector’s decision was so obviously contemptuous. The inspector claimed that the Mall gave “no richness of experience” and wasn’t important to the character of our area. I disagree. It was a lovely shopping arcade and an important landmark. In the current economic climate the government should be looking after small businesses, not giving permission to property developers and big corporations to shut them down.
Lib Dem leader, Islington Council