Where pedestrians tread carefully
• ACCORDING to the Guardian newspaper, in order to prevent dogs fouling streets and parks and detect irresponsible dog owners, “In Edinburgh they use a mobile CCTV van, in Lincolnshire it’s enforcement agents on 650cc motorbikes. Kennet in Wiltshire has dished out half a million bags for free. Liverpool got council officials to pose undercover as courting couples in its park. And Hinckley in Leicestershire hired a team of private detectives.”
May I respectfully ask Islington Council, what is it doing to tackle the problem?
There are lots of posters around advertising penalty notices, yet I have never heard of anybody being fined, nor have I ever seen any council officer patrolling the streets trying to enforce them.
Perhaps they, too, act undercover? Or, by the look of things, they do not act at all!
On the streets of Upper Holloway (Alexander Road, Kingsdown Road and Sussex Way), dog excrement on the pavement is the norm.
Day in, day out, everybody treads in it – children, the elderly and mothers with prams.
What was the point of last summer’s consultation about dog-free areas when irresponsible owners still regularly take pets in these areas and leave mess? This is certainly true of Landseer Gardens, in Holloway, designated a dog-free area but regularly plagued by dog fouling.
I feel like I have wasted my time by taking part in the consultation as nothing seems to have changed. Is this another example of a council which makes residents feel important by asking for their opinion but then does not “deliver the goods”?
(Name and address supplied)