Toast our liberties
• IN the week it becomes a criminal offence to photograph a police officer, our MP, Emily Thornberry, believes, according to a letter in The Guardian newspaper, that her Labour Party staff should be able to go to their local, The Drapers Arms, “without being stolen from and intimidated”.
Mrs Thornberry asserts that this will be possible by the installation of CCTV in the Drapers Arms snug.
I wonder why Mrs Thornberry believes people would choose to steal and intimidate in her community, and I wonder what New Labour has done to ameliorate such behaviour in its years in power.
Clearly an innocent victim and not in fact the holder of the most potent office in our community, she wants us to be observed, monitored and checked, and the watchers protected.
After 12 years in “my community” the only people I have been stolen from are the police who (partially) stole my pride and integrity when they strip-searched me for smoking a bit of weed, and when they intimidated me every time I protested against this grotesque government, because Mrs Thornberry et al gave them permission to do so.
Drapers Arms, become a symbol, if you will. Become the pub of civil liberties and the place where the illiberal and the oppressive are unwelcome, and soon enough I will drink to that!
Britannia Row, N1