
From left: Ursula Woolley, Stefan Kasprzyk, Wally Burgess, Janet Burgess and Tracey Ismail |
Neighbours ‘need their sleep’ so gastropub has its hours cut
Midnight opening only at weekends after Mayor attacks ‘farcical’ hearing
A LICENSING hearing into plans for late opening at a formerly “troublesome” pub was denounced as “farcical” and like a “Dutch auction” by Mayor of Islington Stefan Kasprzyk on Wednesday.
The Lib Dem councillor appeared at the meeting to represent residents objecting to a bid by a new gastropub in Tufnell Park Road, Holloway, to open until midnight seven days a week.
In a compromise, the committee agreed to allow the bar to open until midnight on Friday and Saturday, but only until 11pm the rest of the week.
The pub, under its previous name of Tufnells, and run by a different management, was closed because of complaints by residents and police of anti-social behaviour by customers.
Before the hearing gave its decision, Cllr Kasprzyk complained that the committee appeared to be agreeing to conditions for the venue during discussions – rather than adjourning to another day to allow objectors time to consider new information.
He said: “This is highly irregular. The application is incomplete and the hearing should be adjourned. “Otherwise, there is a danger the committee could be open to claims that they would impose conditions against residents’ wishes.”
Four other councillors, Labour members Janet and Wally Burgess and Lib Dems Tracey Ismail and Ursula Woolley, joined the Mayor and residents at the hearing to object to midnight closing.
Cllr Janet Burgess said most people wanted the pub to reopen because, after being shut for nine months, it was becoming an eyesore. “We like the idea of a gastropub,” Cllr Burgess added. “But not one that needs to stay open until after 11pm. “This is a residential area and people need their sleep.”
The committee heard that two other nearby gastropubs, Junction Tavern and the Lord Palmerston, closed at 11pm.
Solicitor Clare Johnson, representing Enterprise Inns, which wants to open the gastropub, said she was well aware of the venue’s previous history.
She assured the licensing hearing: “We aim to provide a first-class chef who will be cooking first-class food for a clientele who do not go around causing trouble. “We are also extremely keen to work with the residents to ensure they are happy with our arrangements. However, financially it would make more sense for us to open until midnight.”
Ms Johnson added: “These days a lot of people eat out late and they need to be catered for.” |