Sell arms firm shares
• LIKE most Tribune readers and residents of Islington, I was outraged by Israel’s assault on Gaza, an act of aggression which, contrary to initial reports, was not in retaliation to rocket attacks but unprovoked. Something which Israel has since admitted.
With Israel now guilty of war crimes, surely the time has come for Islington to divest itself of shares in companies arming it?
After the British government appealed to “both sides” to cease fire, appeals to the same government for a more humanitarian foreign policy are falling on deaf ears?
Surely, some form of local, direct action or sanctions are necessary, in tandem with appeals to government? And what better sanction than to divest ourselves of companies which arm war criminals, such as BAE Systems, which has not only sold arms to Israel recently but has offices there permanently, such is the importance of its custom.
I trust Bridget Fox will sign the petition to support divestment as well? I suggest that this would be just the sort of “strategic and legitimate” expression of faith we should take. I hope the religious leaders who made their statement last week will also join the call for divestment (Keep our streets safe, February 6).
Profiting from murder as shareholders of companies which manufacture and arm war criminals cannot be reconciled logically with our revulsion at the weapons’ use in action. This duplicitous state of affairs is not lost on those who might seek to bring discord here.
Violence on our streets will be far less likely to occur when we stand together with the people of Palestine and others blighted by these weapons, and refuse to profit from the violence they cause elsewhere in the world.
Address supplied, N7
• PEOPLE living and working in Islington continue to amaze me in the way they are able to reach out to help others in desperate need and translate words into actions in positive constructive ways.
Last week, an orthopaedic surgeon working at the prestigious Bart’s Hospital returned to London exhausted after treating severely injured patients in Gaza. The wounds and unfamiliar range of injuries she witnessed were particularly distressing for Dr Swee Chai Ang, as over 25 years ago it was in similar circumstances that she returned to London. Then she set up Islington-based charity Medical Aid for Palestinians.
She, together with reconstructive surgeon Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah, co-authored a devastating report on The Wounds of Gaza, just published in The Lancet.
For the first time, both surgeons will be discussing their findings of evidence of Israeli war crimes committed in Gaza at a meeting, organised by Islington Friends of Yibna.
The surgeons will detail their findings in Yibna refugee camp and evidence of war crimes committed by Israel deploying phosphorus and new, experimental weapons in Gaza.
Photographs and other evidence of war crimes collated during their work in Gaza will be included in their talk at Islington Town Hall at 7pm on Monday. People living and working in Islington will be able to continue to have the opportunity to put words and pictures into action to help our Friends in Yibna.
Secretary, Islington Friends of Yibna