Narrow vision of health centre decision-makers
THE Campaign to Save Finsbury Health Centre would like to thank the community in Islington and Camden for their strong support in opposing NHS Islington’s plans to abandon Finsbury Health Centre and relocate health services (Axed: piece of our history, January 30).
Even by its own skewed method, NHS Islington’s recent consultation was hardly a resounding acceptance of the plan by the users of the health... > more |
Police must vet zones - LABOUR councillor Natasha Chatterjee’s call to “get tough on crime” is pathetic (It’s time to get tough, January 30). > more
Strictly not for birds - I’M glad to see that people are getting together to help wildlife in Islington. However, vegetable lard is very bad for... > more
Keep our streets safe - WE are writing as individual Muslims and Christians, who worship at churches and mosques but have met... > more |