Let’s cut wardens
• WHAT a lot of rubbish Councillor Greg Foxsmith talks about the recruitment of parking attendants (Parking strategy is designed ‘for profit rather than for the people’, November 21). I suppose it’s quaintly admirable that he tries even now to repeat one of the most debunked claims of local politics: the idea that parking enforcement is not run in order to make money.
If ticket numbers are down, the council should be rejoicing – people are following its rules. If crime figures go down, do we hear an immediate cry for more police officers? If more pupils pass their GCSEs, is this a sure sign we don’t have enough teachers? I think not.
If parking ticket numbers are down, we need fewer wardens, not more, and if Cllr Foxsmith wants us to believe they aren’t issued to make money he could try giving the vast profit from parking tickets to charity (a nice Christmassy gesture). Then we might believe him.
Steve Taylor
Dresden Road, N19