Latter-day bike saints
• IT was nice to see at least one other objection to the increasing number of cyclists on our unsuitable streets (Cyclists want it all, November 14). It is not the minority who behave in an anti-social and dangerous manner. Get on a bus and you will see, or walk down a pavement. These people are latter-day green saints who can do no wrong. No objective criticism is allowed.
It is essential they are licensed, have number plates, are insured, are traceable, have to wear helmets and have a knowledge of the Highway Code. When I rode a bicycle, one had to have lights and a bell and traffic regulations had to be obeyed. Now, not only can they ride across red lights, pedestrian crossings and along pavements, but they are abusive when challenged.
I have even been spat at. I realise a few little old ladies with broken hips are neither here nor there but wait until a toddler (on a scooter on the pavement) is badly injured by a cyclist on the pavement or we start having ride-by muggings (common in some European cities) then the police will have to take some action and actually enforce their powers of on-the-spot fines. At the moment, they stroll past, chatting to each other, oblivious to infractions of the law. And why is the fine for dog-fouling – unpleasant but not potentially lethal – £80 while that for cycling on pavements is £30?