
Ben Kinsella |
Boxing club wins its fight for more cash
New ‘Ben Kinsella’ club could open by Christmas
THE famous Times Amateur Boxing club will open a second centre – named after murdered teenager Ben Kinsella – in the White Lion Youth Centre, the Tribune can reveal.
According to council sources the centre, on White Lion Street, Angel, will be given a large sum of money by Islington Council to accommodate a new boxing centre, which could be up and running as early as Christmas.
Times ABC coach Dave Ryan spoke to the Tribune this week after learning that Islington Council has agreed a £4,000 grant for the original club, in Tiber Gardens, to help combat gang culture.
The grant was agreed by the council’s West Area Magpi panel – which brings police, council officers and social landlords together to address low-level crime.
Three months ago at a public meeting attended by Ben’s family, Mr Ryan pleaded with the council for more cash after it was decided in February that a one-off £3,000 grant from the drug and alcohol action team, would not be repeated. At the time, Mr Ryan demanded leadership from politicians to stop the killings of more young people like Ben, 16, who died after being stabbed in York Way in May.
The £4,000 grant will pay for new equipment, travel and football league entry fees and will be targeted at young people thought to be at risk of becoming involved in gang-related activity.
Mr Ryan said: “This is the best chance for Islington kids to get involved in sports. You see the facilities they’ve got in places outside London, but there’s nothing like that in the inner cities. I want to make Ben’s club better than what anyone else has. I’ve got a massive shield and I’m going to call it the Ben Kinsella Shield. It weighs a tonne. For a young kid to win that would mean so much. We’re hoping to have it ready by Christmas. “I feel so proud. I’ve been doing this for 40 years. We’re one of the top clubs now. We’re hoping to have two centres. We’re hoping to use this one to feed into the White Lion centre.”
And the club is not just about boxing, said Mr Ryan, who took his views to the Houses of Parliament three years ago.
He added: “We said there’s going to be massive development in King’s Cross and there should be apprenticeships – they are finally doing it. Everyone’s listening to us now. They’ve seen we’re doing such a good job.” He said the club will work with gang members and try to get troubled kids into apprenticeships.
Times ABC was founded in 1927 and has worked with thousands of young people over the years, both with boxing and football.
Treasurer Brian Deegan said: “We’re delighted to renew our relationship with MAGPI and help tackle gang problems in Islington. The club is committed to engaging young people in our activities and diverting them away from gang, drug and alcohol-related crime.”
Crime chief councillor Terry Stacy said: “Times ABC has a great record and we’re delighted to award this funding. We’re serious about giving young people an alternative to crime or anti-social behaviour and I’m sure this money will help the club to make a real difference.” |