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Islington Tribune - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Published: 17 October 2008
A pear-shaped economy but squabbling goes on

• I READ my Tribune today certain that something would be different. I was wrong. Labour councillors continue to attack Lib Dem councillors. Lib Dem councillors continue to attack Labour councillors. Whatever the issue, charges and counter-charges fly back and forth like so many ping-pong balls.
In normal times, this seems like the cost of doing business. In normal times, it can be almost entertaining. But these are not normal times. Take a look at the headlines in the real world – the global economy has gone pear-shaped. We cannot even imagine yet what the consequences will be and how long the pain will last. We can be sure though that they will be serious. And yet, the petty squabbling goes on. We continue to act as though the only thing that matters is immediate political advantage. If this is not enough of a crisis for everyone to put aside politics for a moment and work together, what is?
The economic crisis we are living through will affect us all, whether we have millions in the markets or we have nothing at all. The world as we knew it is gone. Wages, jobs, products, housing, mortgages… it will all be different now. A new reality is on its way and it is up to all of us to shape it.
There are not all that many moments like this one and we each stand now on the stage of history. Will we continue to act as though there is no storm until the rising waters carry us away? Or, at this difficult time, will we pause, take each other’s hands, and look bravely into the future?
Andrew Pakula
Minister, Newington Green and Islington Unitarians

• IS it just me, or is Vince Cable rather overhyped? And also vulnerable to the eternal Lib Dem condition of saying different things, at different times, to different people?
In a speech to the Lib Dem conference in September, Mr Cable told his party faithful that the government must not tell the Bank of England to slash interest rates.
But less than three weeks later, he wrote in the Sunday Times that the Chancellor must write to the Bank of England telling them to make a large cut in interest rates.
Yes, the economic situation changes fast but these positions are the exact opposite of each other. And while the Lib Dems might get away with flip-flopping in council elections, we need better when it comes to the future of the British economy.
Jack Graves
Noel Road, N1

Send your letters to: The Letters Editor, Islington Tribune, 40 Camden Road, London, NW1 9DR or email to Deadline for letters is midday Wednesday. The editor regrets that anonymous letters cannot be published, although names and addresses can be withheld . Please include a full name, postal address and telephone number. Letters may be edited for reasons of space.

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