
Debbie Warrener |
Writers back green day that could save you cash
LEADING local writers, including novelists Nick Hornby and Meg Rosoff, are supporting the first ever one-day free environment conference in Islington on Saturday – which will provide tips on how to save money in a recession.
The event will feature a debate between Islington North Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn, Islington Council’s Lib Dem executive member for environment Councillor Greg Foxsmith, and Green councillor Katie Dawson.
Mr Hornby and Ms Rosoff have sent messages welcoming the event and are hoping to attend along with a host of other writers.
TV ecologist Penny Poyzer, from No Waste Like Home, will demonstrate how people can save money by making small changes in their lives such as buying less or growing more and reducing impact on the environment.
Speakers will suggest clothes swapping, instead of buying new garments, insulating homes on a group basis rather than individually, and networking with neighbours with the aim of swapping skills and services.
The Climate Change and Me conference is being staged at Highbury Fields School by leading environmental expert and former Friends of the Earth campaigner, Nicola Baird.
Mother-of-two Ms Baird, who lives in Finsbury Park, said the conference was extremely timely, as never before had people needed to concentrate on saving cash as well as the environment.
She added: “For example, clothes swapping is all the rage. There’s a new BBC2 programme devoted to it presented by Twiggy. We’ll have various events during the day and the following week. Women should bring along items in good condition they would like to swap for something else.”
Speaker Antony Melville will explain how people can make their homes energy efficient.
Ms Baird said: “Antony will suggest that rather than insulate homes on an individual basis entire Victorian streets can have it done together to save costs.”
Another speaker, Debbie Warrener, will talk about the importance of networking with neighbours in order to save money on things like babysitting and DIY.
The programme, which starts at 11am, includes workshops, children’s performances and craft recycling and campaigning workshops for children.
The conference is followed by a week of events, beginning on Monday, which will include clothes swaps and environmental film showings organised by Highbury Fields School, Drayton Park School and The Green Living Centre.
There will be a car boot sale at Drayton Park School on Sunday, October 19.
For more details, contact Nicola Baird on 020 7704 6420 or go to climatechangeandme.blogspot.com |