
Cllr Theresa Debono and Pam May with polysterene blown into garden |
Neighbours blow the whistle on noise, dust and ‘ogling’ builders
Stadium flats workers accused of showing ‘a complete lack of respect’
HOMEOWNERS living near one of London’s biggest housing developments, at the former Arsenal stadium in Highbury, claim their lives are being made a misery by noise, dust – and “ogling” builders.
Furious Labour councillor Theresa Debono this week warned developer McAlpine, responsible for the 630 luxury flat scheme, that she was asking Islington Council chief executive John Foster to intervene.
She claimed that since work began at the former stadium two years ago the number of complaints has risen as the rate of building accelerates.
But McAlpine said this week that since the start of the work a residents’ liaison officer had handled complaints. The firm maintains it has received only a small number of complaints and it is satisfied these have all been dealt with comprehensively.
Residents in Highbury Hill say they are often unable to use back gardens because of the noise and dust. Robin and Pam May’s garden is regularly littered with polystyrene pieces which they say have been allowed to blow over from the development.
The couple claim they have lost fish from their ornate pond due to poisoning by materials blown over from the site and suspect their cat became ill after ingesting polystyrene. Mrs May said: “They should be using nets to stop this material from being blown into our gardens. They don’t seem to be bothered.”
She claimed that men from the site will often stand and stare into the garden when women are around. “They appear to be ogling, which is very unpleasant,” she added. “On top of that they play radios loudly and shout and swear. I know it’s a building site, but a responsible firm like McAlpine, working at such close proximity to residents, should be warning staff to behave.”
Cllr Debono, who represents Highbury West, said: “Many of the workmen show a complete lack of respect for the residents. “We knew it was never going to be easy living next door to a development this size but McAlpine gave an assurance they would work with residents. I’ve not seen any sign of that lately. I’ve tried phoning and emailing them but they don’t respond.”
A McAlpine spokesman said the firm had responded to the Mays’ complaint about polystyrene particles entering the fish pond. He added: “McAlpine has done everything in its power to prevent these particles entering the pond, which has included erecting three protective coverings on separate occasions. “The third covering appeared to be the solution, but Mr and Mrs May requested it be removed on the basis that they could not feed the fish through the covering. It was suggested the fish could be effortlessly fed by lifting the corners of the netting, but Mr and Mrs May stated they were not prepared to do this. Consequently, this netting was removed.”
The firm had offered to clean the Mays’ garden in June, July and September but the couple had not accepted the offer.
The playing of radios on the site was strictly forbidden, the spokesman added. “This is constantly monitored by Highbury Square site managers and anyone identified to be playing a radio will be reprimanded,” he added.
The workforce was also reminded of the importance to act appropriately at all times. “Any allegations against McAlpine or members of staff disturbing residents will be investigated and dealt with properly,” he said.
The firm had been unable to identify any persons allegedly acting inappropriately, but was constantly monitoring the situation, the spokesman added. |