We want your views
• BARB Jacobson comments that “the PCT is making little effort to make this consultation accessible to people who use the health centre” (Patients have their say but centre must be sold, October 3). The Primary Care Trust (PCT) is in fact making every effort to make this consultation accessible to people who use Finsbury Health Centre or are users of the other services mentioned in the consultation.
We have sent consultation documents and questionnaires in the post to every adult patient of both GP practices based in the health centre. We have also written to most of the patients who have used community health services (such as physiotherapy and podiatry) at the centre in the last six months.
Consultation documents have been distributed to other places around the borough, including Islington libraries and voluntary sector organisations. Residents can also download a copy of the consultation document from our website, www.islington
If residents need the consultation document in a different format or language, please call our PALS team on 020 7527 1086/1087, who will be happy to assist.
In total, we have sent out around 16,000 consultation documents and we look forward to hearing what people have to say.
Tony Hoolaghan
Locality director, Islington
Primary Care Trust |