Pull strings for puppets
• CAN you help Little Angel Theatre? Our Islington treasure, the home and powerhouse of British puppetry, has just heard that the Arts Council has refused us project funding for our Christmas production this year. Bah Humbug! This money was for The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, a musical adaptation of a Roald Dahl classic and a follow-up to our version of Fantastic Mr Fox.
Despite this setback, we are determined to find the money to go ahead with the production. So far, we have completed numerous fundraising events (including our tour manager in a bath of jelly for a day) but we still need to raise more.
So what can you do to help? Well here’s a couple of suggestions:
l Support us by seeing a show. The Sleeping Beauty runs until November 9, and The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me opens on November 22. Tickets are only £5 at 5pm on Fridays
l Support our Build a Puppet campaign. From only £50 you get two VIP tickets to a show, meet the puppets and creative team and receive a picture of yourself and the Puppets to keep forever. But, most importantly, you help us to make a classic Roald Dahl story come to life as an unforgettable experience for thousands of families and schoolchildren in the borough this festive season.
For further details about our campaign, go to www.littleangeltheatre.com
Peter Glanville
Artistic director, Little Angel
Dagmar Terrace, N1 |