Orwellian options
• THE latest “consultation” regarding the Sobell Centre’s future is a cynical lesson in Orwellian speak.
How can this controversial plan (the destruction of an iconic site on precious green space) be called a consultation when all four options for the Sobell included its destruction?
I agree with Gary Heather, chairman of Islington Trades Council, that it does smell “of gerrymandering tactics” (Sobell plan gets final approval from Lib Dems, September 12). These flats – sorry, apartments – which increasingly look like a “done deal” by the council will not be built for local people and their families, who cannot afford “affordable housing”, but for post-yuppies coming into the area who they think will vote for them.
Jack Courtney O’Connor
Thane Villas, N7
• SINCE they came into office, the Lib Dems have been selling off land, closing council offices and making staff redundant.
Now, they are planning to sell the Sobell Centre to a developer to build flats and shops in an area that is already full of flats and shops. Where has all the money from these sales gone? It has not gone on council tax.
Meredith Street, EC1