Back health centre plea
• THANK you for Tom Foot’s beautiful article containing Angela Sinclair’s memories of Finsbury Health Centre (‘Beacon of light’ health centre in need of tender loving care, September 12). Angela, a fighter for the people for more than 60 years and still going strong, is an example to all of us.
We asked representatives of Finsbury’s political parties and tenants’ organisations to “write to the Tribune signifying their willingness to take part in a united campaign to save, improve and develop Finsbury Health Centre” (Will health centre sell-off actually save any money? August 29).
The only reply to our letter came from Sharon Hayward, of the Independent Working Class Association (IWCA), saying that “a united campaign with other parties to save Finsbury Health Centre is one we must decline” because of the appalling record of Lib Dem and New Labour (An offer we can reject, September 5).
Sharon’s scepticism of Lib Dem, Labour, Conservatives and Greens would seem to be justified by their lack of response. However, the IWCA is not doing anything either.
Is the game of all five Finsbury political parties to come out with glossy propaganda at the council elections in the hope of being elected to councillors’ jobs on £10,000-plus a year for attending a few meetings? And then to do as little as possible between elections?
Just one person, Barb Jacobson, of Margery Street, Finsbury, appears to be leading the petition campaign to save Finsbury Health Centre (Stop health centre sale, September 12). People can sign online at www.gopetition.co.uk/
petitions/stop-the-sell-off-of-the-finsbury-health-centre or get in touch with her on 020 7833 1395 for paper copies.
Compton Street, EC1
• I WOULD like to clarify what is happening with regard to Finsbury Health Centre. Islington Primary Care Trust (PCT) is starting a 12-week public consultation on Monday.
The consultation document will give detailed reasons why we wish to move some community health and GP services in Islington, including services now at Finsbury Health Centre.
I can reassure people who live in the Finsbury area that services such as podiatry, community dentistry, physiotherapy and health visiting will continue to be provided in the Finsbury area. The consultation document gives details of where we think services could be provided.
The two GP practices currently at Finsbury Health Centre will be relocated in a new building next door.
We only propose moving our orthotic and biomechanics service and the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children to locations in the middle of Islington. These serve patients from all over Islington, and, in the case of the Michael Palin Centre, from all over the UK. We will not stop or reduce the level of any of the services we currently provide.
Because of its Grade I listing, Finsbury Health Centre is very expensive for us to look after. We estimate that if we were to repair and maintain the centre it would cost us £1million a year in rent. That is approximately £400,000 per year more than we would normally pay for a building of this size.
We think that it would be a better use of this money for it to be spent on employing more staff who can provide services to local people.
The PCT has not formally made the decision to sell Finsbury Health Centre. We will review all the options available to us once the consultation has ended.
The consultation document will be made widely available from Monday and we welcome feedback from all Islington people on our proposals.
Locality director, Islington Primary Care Trust