Buses’ bad vibrations
• DESPITE two years of complaint from residents and the involvement of Islington Council’s environmental health department, it seems impossible to reach any permanent solution to the problem of buses idling for minutes on end while on the bus stand outside City and Islington College in Camden Road, Holloway.
The bus companies promise action and driver sanctions but after some temporary lulls, when we have stepped up action, no improvements have yet been maintained as the drivers lapse into their old habits.
The 253 and 254 double-deckers sit there for up to 15 minutes at a time producing a dreadful vibration that can be felt throughout our flats and houses. It is really upsetting.
We have been told often by drivers whom we have approached personally to turn off their engines that they are so badly tuned that if switched off they will not restart.
This appears to be true as tow trucks have appeared more than once. Last week we were treated to the spectacle of a blazing engine compartment and clouds of acrid smoke as one clearly gave up the ghost for good.
London Mayor Boris Johnson has promised to do away with bendy buses but they are no trouble in this respect. We would hardly know the passing 29s were there. Will his commitment to the public transport system stretch to giving us equally well-maintained and quiet buses with co-operative drivers, if we are to have more of the double-deckers in place of bendy buses, or will our problems only get worse?
S Huggett
Camden Road, N7