Messages of sympathy reflect admiration for work in community
• THE response to the sad news of the death last Monday of my cousin Lisa Pontecorvo has been truly overwhelming and shows how many people her life touched in Islington and Switzerland, her second home.
My family and I wish to express our deep-felt gratitude for their sympathy to the many individuals and organisations whose numerous messages reveal great affection for Lisa, admiration for her personality and qualities and indefatigable work for the community.
Without the invaluable generous support of Lisa’s friends and colleagues, their practical help with passing on the sad news, arranging the service and dealing with many inevitable sad tasks it would have been almost impossible to cope. One special mention has to be made of the employers of my son, Mat, who have generously allowed him time at Media Com to act as the first line of response in London, and also of kingscrossenvironment.
com for their help.
We would also like to thank the police, coroner’s and mortuary staff for their sensitivity and kindness.
We regret lack of time prevents us responding personally to each moving message, but we hope to meet and thank people at the planned future memorial event.
On behalf of Lisa Pontecorvo’s family