Sit-down protest
• I AM writing to refute the assertion by Homes for Islington (HfI) press office that Ilex House Tenants’ and Residents’ Association (TRA) was consulted about the removal of our benches (‘Bring back our benches’ plea puts homes bosses in hot seat, July 11).
I was not at the annual meeting myself, but have heard testimony from many people who were there, including the committee, that no vote was made by the TRA or requested. There is no note of a vote in the minutes of the meeting either.
Instead, one household raised a complaint at the meeting, and, on that basis only, the benches were removed. Ilex House TRA also put in a bid for new benches in March from Tenants Compact Funding prior to the removal of our benches, so it’s clear the majority of people living here understood the value of the benches to our elderly and disabled people.
When are we going to receive new benches and who is going to pay for them? HfI has not made this clear, and for all we know, by usual HfI standards, it could take years to get new ones. In the meantime, how are vulnerable residents going to get any fresh air as opposed to the hot air coming from HfI?
Ilex House, N4
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