This crossing will still be dangerous if it’s moved
• AFTER many years of concern and study of the difficulties of the crossing outside Angel station, I despaired when I realised Bridget Fox advocates going back to the old arrangement of moving it further along Upper Street, the other side of Liverpool Road exit (Pedestrians’ dash to safety at ‘nightmare’ crossing, July 18).
This will still not prevent the danger to pedestrians of traffic turning out of that road across the path of people trying to cross from the station area and back.
I also loath the fencing down the centre of Upper Street. Prettifying it with flowers does not eliminate the inconvenience of being prevented from crossing where we wish, thus forcing motorists to be more watchful and driving more slowly. This method has been tried in other authorities and countries, and works.
Ms Fox’s colleagues have long been intimidated out of closing Liverpool Road at that end, by, I suspect the police, who want to use it.
In all my years of using that crossing, police cars have roared along Upper Street but not Liverpool Road. They could go from Pentonville Road along Baron and White Lion streets in any case. Traffic coming down Liverpool Road from Holloway direction could turn right into Tolpuddle Street. Deliveries to Chapel Market could be allowed before nine in the morning and in the late evening. The rest of the time we could have the logical, peaceful and safe shopping centre we all deserve.
Gerrard Road, N1
• I AM delighted to see the public is being consulted about re-siting the crossing near Angel Tube station.
As a commuter into the area (and thus a net contributor to the local economy) it is probably the one local issue which most affects my daily life. Each morning I and thousands of others take our lives into our hands crossing Upper Street, knowing that at any moment a car or lorry might cut us down. It is truly the most hideously dangerous crossing I have ever come across.
If the crossing was moved to the north of Liverpool Road it would mean a slightly longer walk from my point of view, but that would be a price well worth paying.
Mill Hill
• I HAD my say on the redesign of Upper Street this week by filling in my consultation form and sending it to Transpo rt for London, and want to encourage everyone to do the same.
The pedestrian crossing between Angel Tube station and Liverpool Road really is badly designed. Crowds of people have to try to cross in too little time; there’s a tiny island in the middle that gets overcrowded. Buses (particularly bendy buses) and cars stop in the middle of the crossing and block pedestrians when the green man is on.
TfL has ignored this blackspot for far too long. Please do look out for the consultation forms or go to the TfL consultation website, and make sure we get our way on the future of Upper Street.
Lib Dem, Bunhill
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