Question time for public, with interruptions from the mayor
• I WOULD suggest the Liberal Democrats have a whip-round and buy the mayor a stopwatch. I was quite surprised at the way the mayor dealt with members of the public and even councillors during question time last Thursday. The time he allows members of the public and councillors to speak appears to be unbalanced, biased, unfair and certainly not democratic.
I would suggest that he doesn’t use those abusive tactics too often as they certainly do not “stop” those with genuine and real concerns. I may well be old but this is no justification for what was quite clear discrimination in the unbalanced way he dealt with me and consistently interrupted my contribution (which I had carefully timed at one-and-a-half minutes without interruption).
I am far from senile and I recognise harassment and abuse when I receive it. It certainly is no way to chair a public meeting. Maybe the mayor should go on a training course like his leader.
What was it all about? I was asking Islington Council who represented the concerns of the aged and of pensioners on the various theme groups of the Islington Strategic Partnership (ISP) and why the government theme relating to the aged and pensioners was dropped by ISP, particularly given that it involves £20.8million of our money.
I attempted to say I was slightly fed up with the insults and innuendos the council leadership has used to address these concerns.
I believe people should stand up for a better and fairer society compared to the apathetic one we appear to have saddled ourselves with, particularly given the government’s admission of the horrifying growth of child and pensioner poverty. The mayor didn’t quite appear to understand that is the normal process of debate in a democratic and, dare I say it, Liberal nation. People have the right to know who ISP are, who they represent and how a great deal of money is going to be spent.
Priory Green estate, N1
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