Courage of our MPs
• I HAVE been extremely concerned for some time about the situation of Palestinian residents in the Gaza strip, especially in refugee camps. There has been a rather muted response to their plight from British politicians, who seem to be more concerned about not upsetting the Israelis than about trying to find a definitive solution to this shameful state of affairs.
However, I must gladly acknowledge the fact that both MPs for Islington, Jeremy Corbyn and Emily Thornberry, have signed an Early Day Motion marking the 60 years since the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe), which notes that Palestinian refugees...“have yet to have their rights upheld as required by several UN resolutions and have yet to receive acknowledgement of the injustice they suffered... and that Palestinian refugees have not been compensated for the loss of their property...”
I would like to thank both of them for their courage.
Committee member, Islington Friends of Yibna
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