For sale: family silver
• YET again the Lib Dems seem determined to sell the family silver for a song. Having sat on the Moorfields School site in Bunhill until the property market has crashed, they now seek to sell it off come what may. Whether the council can obtain the suggested £7million value for the site in these troubled times is questionable in itself. But knowing it is willing to sell nearby property for a tenth of its market value, even during a property boom, gives rise to serious cause for concern.
More importantly, when Moorfields School was first identified for sale in 2004 it was stated that the proceeds of any deal would be reinvested in Islington’s education services. The proceeds of any sale now seem to be destined for the general budget, rather than specifically to improve education in the borough.
We all know that Islington’s school results are not good enough at the moment, so selling off educational land on the cheap to plug a hole in the budget is madness.
Why can the Lib Dems not put this space aside for the community in Finsbury?
Deputy chairman, Islington Conservatives
• I AM a newcomer to Islington politics but was so angry at Lib Dem plans to sell off Moorfields School site that I went to listen to Islington Council’s overview committee when it discussed the matter on June 24.
I was extremely disappointed by the standards of democracy in action. Bunhill councillor Jyoti Vaja used her casting vote as chairperson of the meeting to eject members of the public from watching, without offering an explanation.
Politicians talk endlessly about the dangers of local apathy, but when people do show an interest and want to ask tough questions they hide behind procedures to evade scrutiny. What has Cllr Vaja got to hide?
Bunhill Conservatives
Paton Street, EC1
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