Back social justice, scrap investment in arms firms
• I AGREE that Islington Council should disinvest from all arms companies. Profit is no longer the sole consideration. I believe social justice to be even more important than profit, for it underpins the notion that people (and their environment) are not wells for companies to drain until they are empty.
The idea of social justice, promoted by Muhammad Yunus, is now taught in economic departments and can be seen in the ethical investment funds offered by large British banks. Arms companies are among the most inequitable when graded according to social justice. Whether through the mechanised slaughter of human life, the planting of political corruption, the marketing of missiles at the expense of schools or the production of tanks instead of health services, arms companies erode the social fabric we all depend on.
Instead of waiting for the slow hand of legislation, the council should show with a bold gesture that it believes in social justice rather than corporate profit.
Ward Road, N19
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