Help save day centre
• ISLINGTON councillors recently deferred a decision to close Ashley Road Mental Health Day Centre until the executive meeting on July 3. As a user of this service I wish to express my deep sadness and concern over this proposal. This is supported by all current service users.
The day centre has existed for more than 20 years. It offers a unique, homely, uninstitutional, non-threatening environment. The proposal is to close the service and relocate it in Archway, not far from “suicide bridge”.
The new location is a purpose-built, 1970s-style institute a million miles from leafy, tranquil, safe Ashley Road. We are horrified by the prospect of moving.
Many of us have already said we will not use the new service, which will leave us stuck indoors, isolated, fighting our demons by ourselves.
We feel bullied and intimidated by this process. We ask readers to support the campaign to Save Ashley Road.
(Address supplied) N5
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