Wall for a borstal?
• FLOWERING climbers are needed to soften the grim aspect of the 30ft-high wall of our new “university” for children aged three to11, the grandiloquently named Golden Lane Campus in Whitecross Street, Finsbury.
The massive 260ft wall opposite a busy shopping centre was termed, ironically, “an architectural triumph” by Leo Chapman (Campus a silly name, April 11).
It looks like a penitentiary for the students of the three-school complex, although all 420 of them can’t be so naughty as to deserve that.
The multicoloured panels look like an attempt to try to rescue an architectural afterthought.
There is a very successful wall of passiflora climbers on vertical wires in the adjacent Fortune Street Park.
Duplicating this installation in Whitecross Street with suitable climbers would not be rocket science, nor should it cost an arm and a leg.
As a near-neighbour, I would like to see some remedial action done on a wall more suitable for a borstal.
Dufferin Street
EC1 |
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