Halt this land grab
• I NOTE the letter regarding the removal of trees to make way for development on the Hugh Myddelton School playground (Must trees always lose, April 25), the article regarding the tree and green space condemned as a result of the intransigence of the Packington redevelopers (In danger: our leafy heritage, April 25) and the outcome of the consultation with regard to Finsbury Leisure Centre and Ironmonger Row Baths.
All this building on existing green space condemns existing mature trees, and all fall within the south area planning committee remit. Is there a coincidence?
Maybe planners, councillors and the Town Hall should take heed of the one conclusive outcome of the consultation over Finsbury Leisure Centre and Ironmonger Row Baths, where the highest-ranking comment was for retaining green and leisure space.
This is not surprising, given the fact that Islington has one of the lowest percentages of green space of the London boroughs.
And why, on a consultation over a leisure facility, does there have to be housing (even social housing)?
Once land is built on for residential use it will never revert to open space.
It is about time our councillors and officials took note that residents are not against development or social housing, but are increasingly concerned about the lack of protection given to the few green and open spaces we do have in the borough.
Every time one of these schemes is pushed through the planning committee (where it is voted on by our councillors) it is on the basis that social housing takes a priority over existing council guidelines (such as protecting open spaces, trees, green spaces), which are then ignored.
The council has a vested interest in these schemes being pushed through.
Come on, councillors, listen to what the residents are saying and uphold the council planning rules. You are allowing future generations’ green spaces, leisure areas and trees to be built on.
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