Our search for truth
• WHO do Unitarians think they are? Your correspondent, the Rev PD Johnson, does your readers no service by describing our Islington Unitarian Minister, Dr Andrew Pakula, as a “Christian minister” (Church shuts its doors on couples who want to wed, April 18).
It is true that the history of Unitarianism in this country lies with Christian dissenters, but today most Unitarians avoid other denominational and religious labels.
Personally, I respect the Christian tradition that nurtured me and I honour Jesus as a great spiritual teacher, but many Unitarians come from other religious traditions or none.
What we have in common is a determination to be rational in our approach to faith, and therefore we reject any religion that claims to offer unique access to divine truth above all others.
We view scriptures such as the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad-gita and many philosophical works as texts which record mankind’s search after the ultimate truth, and which are resources to help each of us in our own individual search for an understanding of our own existence and of the amazing web of life of which we are a part.
• I REALLY get annoyed with people like the Rev PD Johnson. Let me tell him what the word of God really means. You are to love everyone unconditionally, you are not to judge others for who or what they are.
Most people believe that a man and a woman are the ideal for bringing up children, but people always forget that single parents manage to bring up children on their own without the man/woman present? What counts is that the child is brought up in a loving environment.
Real Christians will teach their children to love all types of people, not to judge others. After all, we are here to live lives, not point fingers. The problem in today’s world is that people are afraid of differences, so much so that they kill because of those differences.
Instead of trying to tell people how to live, Mr Johnson should start telling people how to love. That is the true meaning of God, Christianity and all religions.
(Name and address supplied)
• HOW one-sidedly self-righteous is the Rev PD Johnson in his outrage at discrimination against heterosexual people, but, sadly, he has nothing to say against the long-time discrimination against gay and lesbian people .
I was brought up an Anglican, but unfortunately because of the attitude of clergymen like Mr Johnson I feel there is no welcome in the Anglican Church for me any more.
Address supplied
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