Entering clone zone
• I READ with interest the front-page article on the probable demise of many small businesses in Caledonian Road, Barnsbury Road, Copenhagen Street, York Way, Prebend Street and Nag’s Head shopping centre (Shops to go in Lib Dems’ ‘closing down sale’, March 21). I felt there was a clear link between the report and Councillor Martin Klute’s letter about the dismemberment of the antiques shopping markets that made up Camden Passage Antiques Village (Mall: we can win, March 21).
Whatever they may say, Islington Lib Dems did nothing to preserve or support the 200-plus small businesses that made up York Arcade, Central Arcade, Gateway Arcade, Georgian Village and, until just four months ago, Angel Arcade.
What was a cause of grievance was that, in respect of the Georgian Village and Angel Arcade, building works were done without extant planning permission or later imposition of any form of penalty by Islington Council.
Without a trace of shame, it merely gave “retrospective approval” without so much as a slap on the wrist to the developers. The day after the Angel Arcade meeting the “Lombok” sign went up and less than 12 days later the shop was open for business. Surely some sort of trading record. This showed what a farce the planning committee meeting had been and repeated almost exactly what happened at the Georgian Village two years before when some 50 shops and 40 stalls were lost, to be replaced by one new shop.
Sadly, I suspect this will be a precedent – but not a happy one – when the future of the Mall is considered.
When the Lib Dems took control of the council they had a duty of care and dynamic stewardship of the many small shops and retail traders who operated in Islington.
They should have sought to inspire, aid, preserve, develop and promote these businesses to give the community a range of shops operating in a vibrant, multi-dimensional, dynamic economy. Not just for antiques traders, but for the proverbial “tinker, tailor and candlestick maker”.
At every stage and every level their record has been one of failure. They have turned much of Islington into a “clone zone” with the retail sector being more gloomy, dreary and cheerless than 10 years ago.
This is what happens when we replace 200-plus vibrant and interesting shops and antiques by two retailers and an estate agent.
If the Mall is not saved – and time is running short – Islington will be left without the shops that made it the antithesis of a “clone zone”. However, like Cllr Klute, I have no faith in the council’s ability to preserve the Mall’s integrity.
As someone who had a very small antiques business in Camden Passage for 25 years, I have to say I fear for the future, given what has happened in the past.
Admiral Vernon Antiques Market
Portobello Road, W11
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