Honour Milton
• THE 400th anniversary of John Milton’s birth this year provides a happy opportunity for a name for the new primary schools complex in Finsbury, due to open in April.
The John Milton Schools or a variation has a certain ring to it as an umbrella title, I’m inclined to think. The names of the three schools involved could be retained.
Milton lived in Bunhill Row, Finsbury, for the last 12 years of his life and began Paradise Lost there. He is buried in a local church, St Giles’ without Cripplegate, also just a few hundred yards from the schools site.
Golden Lane Campus is the working title used for the new schools site. However, a site about 400 feet by 250 feet patently is not a campus. It would be inflated to use it for primary schools.
Golden Lane is a border street with the City of London. If the working title Golden Lane Campus is used it will appear to be a City school. It is for the City to educate its own children as far as possible.
Come the 2010 borough election, the three Bunhill councillors will have to explain setting up what would appear to be a City school.
Dufferin Street, EC1
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