Health service has nothing to learn from land of Sicko
• I READ the letter from Michael Golding with great anxiety at what seems to be another attack on the health service, and a further step towards privatisation (We must ensure patients’ needs come before profit, March 14). We have already seen the start of it with three GP practices being sold to the lowest bidder, an American health care organisation.
This has created a good deal of concern as to what might happen to my own GP group practice. Camidoc has operated an effective out-of-hours organisation of doctors in Islington.
It is obvious that, if lower tenders are being offered by private companies, it must mean poorer services.
America has nothing to offer this country where health care is concerned, something well illustrated by the Michael Moore film Sicko: no private insurance, no health care.
Patients who care about the medical attention they receive from their GPs should be alert to the dangers of losing their own doctors, let alone losing their health service.
Camidoc’s contract must be renewed.
Bardolph Road, N7
• DAVID Gladstone is right to say that the Labour government is determined to infiltrate American corporate providers into our primary care system but wrong to think you need psychiatrists to explain why.
American, and other, corporations can give, and have given, former ministers lucrative non-executive directorships. “Old-fashioned” GP practices cannot. If psychiatrists are needed it is to explain why trade union leaders continue to waste their members’ money financing Labour and why decent and disinterested people waste their energy campaigning for a party that stands for corporate welfare and servile collaboration with the United States.
An election is coming up in London.Wherever you live, you can vote for a party that does not stand for corporate welfare or for our country being an American satellite. It’s called the Green Party.
Election agent, Islington Green Party
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