Waiting for disaster
• I WAS disturbed by the article about pensioner deaths in nursing care (MP calls for probe after OAP deaths, February 22). Unfortunately, it does not surprise me as I believe such problems are rife across the private sector.
Although they are not members of our branch, it is somewhat disappointing that it is the staff in general who get blamed.
From our own knowledge, it is often the fact that inexperienced and inappropriate staff are required by managers to take on work they are not adequately skilled in.
Recently, a manager of Care UK informed me there was “no difference between dementia care and nursing care”. Anyone who knows anything about this subject would tell you otherwise.
Care UK is requiring staff fully trained and experienced in dementia care to work in nursing care, not only leaving those elderly residents with dementia without the skilled and trained staff they need, but also putting staff into nursing care without the required experience or training.
Undoubtedly, this is a disaster waiting to happen.
Deputy branch secretary, Islington Unison
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