Let’s unite on this one
• I AM meeting the head of the Post Office in the next few weeks to explain to him that we in Islington do not want our post offices to close.
I want to make it clear to him that I share this view with residents, community groups and other political parties.
It is particularly vital that Essex Road post office stays open, as it is busy, local and accessible.
I want to point out that Upper Street is too busy and not wheelchair-accessible. Particularly, if the council closes Highbury Corner for renovations, people who currently use Essex Road will have no feasible alternative.
Far from voting for any closures, as has falsely been claimed, I have been campaigning with local people to defend our post offices. I recently wrote to the Mayor of Islington, asking her to join me and MP Jeremy Corbyn in her role as civic leader when we see the Post Office to make our case. Sadly, the Mayor declined the offer, and passed the invitation to the leader of the council; though I am still waiting to hear back.
It is no secret that politicians in Islington have serious differences, and most are not afraid to make these differences clear in public.
But in this rare case where we all agree, the people of Islington will not understand if their elected representatives are unable to work together when it is so clearly in everyone’s interest that we do so.
Emily Thornberry
Labour MP, Islington South and Finsbury
q Thank you, Tribune, for publicising our campaign and to all the people who came out in the cold this week to show their support for keeping Essex Road post office open.
Thank you to Bridget Fox for organising the Save Essex Road Post Office campaign and to James Kempton and all the councillors for their support. The Zimmers, our families and all the community have been there for us.
A big thank-you to all the businesses along Essex Road who put up our posters and for the fantastic support they have given our petition.
The local shops are really important to our community. They will lose out if our post office closes. The government is wrong to close so many post offices and we want it to change its mind.
More than 5,000 people have already signed our petition. We need Essex Road post office to stay open for all the pensioners, disabled, the mums and the businesses who use it every day.
We have already lost so many post offices and we can’t let this one close
The Post Office is sending representatives to Islington Council’s south area committee meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday at New North Community School. We will be there to tell them we won’t let them take our post office away.
Dolores Murray
Basire Street, N1
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