Ian Shacklock and supporter Malcolm Strangwick collect signatures at The George pub, in Holloway |
‘Come on, Arsenal, be a sport’
700-signature petition urges club to set up community football centre at new stadium
A campaign was launched this week to persuade Arsenal to reconsider its decision to drop plans for an Emirates stadium sports centre which could be used by the public.
Supporters of the campaign include TV personality Clive Anderson, Conservative London mayoral hopeful Boris Johnson and journalist Peter Oborne, who all live in the borough. They have backed a 700-signature petition presented to Islington Council on Thursday.
The original plans for the club’s new £350million stadium at Ashburton Grove, Holloway, included a replacement for the popular JVC Centre at the club’s former Highbury ground.
But, despite a campaign by residents and opposition Labour councillors, the replacement plan was dropped three years ago. Instead, Arsenal donated £1.8million to the Sobell Centre in Holloway. It is due to be refurbished shortly.
The man behind the petition, Ian Shacklock, believes it is time for Arsenal to think again about its commitment to the community. He said: “Everyone I spoke to was angry that Arsenal dropped the community football scheme. But people had given up worrying about it. I spoke to a few Labour councillors and asked them: is it still worth fighting for. They said: ‘Yes, there is still time to change Arsenal’s mind’.”
Mr Shacklock, a 48-year-old IT facilitator from Monsell Road, Highbury, added that he was a big fan of the club – the fifth richest in the world – but he felt it ought to do more for the borough. “There’s been huge disruption for residents near Ashburton Grove,” he said. “The club is holding two Bruce Springsteen concerts in May, which will probably be very noisy – and Arsenal is building private flats and possibly a three-in-one cinema. And, as we know, not everyone can afford to even go to Arsenal these days. A community football centre would be giving something back and there’s a tremendous need for facilities for young people today.
“Speak to anyone who played at the old community football centre at Highbury and they will tell you it gave them tremendous confidence and prestige. Clive Anderson played there as a child and thought it was marvellous.”
Opposition Labour councillors Richard Greening and Teresa Debono have signed the petition along with Green councillor Katie Dawson.
Mr Shacklock has written to every school in the borough, and has had support from Montem Primary in Holloway, where headteacher Sue Seifert wished him luck.
An Arsenal spokesman said: “The sports centre at Highbury was a private facility for Arsenal Football Club, into which we were pleased to welcome various groups of users from the community when the centre was not in use for club purposes.
“The sports centre originally proposed as part of the new stadium development was to be exactly the same – it was never proposed as a public sports centre.
“This club has, to date, made a major financial investment of approximately £1.8million in leisure facilities within the community and has committed to expanding on its already extensive community programme, intensifying existing links with Holloway School and Islington Arts and Media School, among others.”
Anyone who wants a blank copy of Mr Shacklock’s petition should email ishacklock@aol.
com |