Boss’s bad vibrations
• I AM astonished by the double standards and lack of real concern shown by Katie Dawson, a Green Party councillor. Her comments on Bruce Springsteen (Boss to kick off Emirates gigs with show planned for spring, December 7) were: “I worship him.
I have travelled all over the world to see him and paid hundreds of pounds on eBay, and now he is coming to my ward. I feel like, really, he should be coming round to mine for a cup of tea.”
At a time when the Green Party is lecturing us on pollution, including noise, energy wastage and our carbon footprints when travelling, isn’t she setting a bad example by travelling the world following a pop star?
Her letter (Stadium blues, January 11) states that tickets have “rather prematurely” been sold. This shows the arrogance of Arsenal in assuming it will get permission. The tickets and publicity were all arranged before the noise tests on November 28. She also suggests that profits from the concerts should go to the community. There is no suggestion that the concerts should not take place, because she has obviously got her ticket and will be contributing to the noise and nuisance local people will have to suffer. The noise tests were not comprehensive; they did not include Harvist estate, the nearest residences to the sound system. The noise and vibration we suffered were unbearable, and an indication of how we will be affected by these concerts if they take place.
However, Cllr Dawson does come up with a possible solution. Her suggestion that “he should be coming round to mine” should be acted on. Her January 11 letter states: “He is a campaigner for human rights and a champion of the underdog”. If this is true I am sure he will be happy to cancel the concerts and forego the huge amount of money he would receive and just do a concert at her place. I suggest she asks her neighbours first what they think of the idea. She obviously didn’t think to ask the people of her ward.
Arsenal chose to squeeze a huge stadium into a residential area. It should accept it cannot, unlike other stadiums, put on concerts of this kind. It claims it doesn’t need the money so why do it? We can only hope the licensing committee when it meets on January 23 at 10am at the Town Hall, appreciates the problems these concerts will cause us and oppose or turn down the application. Unless, of course, they also have tickets for the concerts.
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