Deterred by abuse scare
• I CONCUR with Trevor Jones’s warnings about the problems faced by men wishing to work either as foster fathers or in primary schools (Carers are driven out, November 2). In mid-2005 I attended a two-day local authority course aimed at encouraging men to enrol on courses leading to qualifications for teaching in primary schools and nurseries.
I, together with one falsely accused foster parent, asked searchingly how local authorities deal with false allegations. The course organisers made all the right noises about maximum support being given to teachers and foster parents faced with false allegations. Reality was very different.
I immediately found myself facing allegations of posing a risk of emotional harm to children, and of actual sexual, physical and satanic ritual abuse (SRA). Investigations continued for some three years. The local authority refused to accept my exoneration by a court. The financial cost has been huge: my own loss of major income for three years, loss of planned career and a five-figure legal bill, plus unaccounted expenditure incurred by the local authority and the police.
The immediate causes of this fiasco were the initial presumption of guilt, secrecy and delay in communicating clearly allegations to the presumed perpetrator, mass hysteria replacing objective investigation when abuse allegations are made and lack of training of social workers in handling mental disorders.
Deeper causes which emerged were the abuse of the child protection system by the fabrication of evidence and lowering of thresholds to meet government targets on social engineering, including forced adoptions, and a lucrative institutional scam in which professionals, including some psychiatrists, claim to have unique insight into being able to assess indicants of emotional and satanic abuse and so are able to sell their services to local authorities and courts.
Faced with this local authority behaviour and the wider climate of hysteria over abuse, many potential foster carers and early years teachers will unsurprisingly be deterred from offering their time and skills.
The Litten Tree Group
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