We deserve full refund
• ONCE again Peabody Trust appears to have moved the goalposts without any consultation or without informing its residents on Priory Green estate. There is a major heating problem on the estate and has been for some time.
What does concern me and I believe others will be the spokeswoman’s comments regarding compensation: “We will consider all compensation claims on a case-by-case basis, provided residents report issues as they arise” (Brrr… as estate loses heating in mid-winter, December 14).
It appears Peabody Trust officers do not understand the difference between refund and compensation claims. Refunds are related to the failure of Peabody Trust to deliver a service. Compensation is an acknowledgement and recognition of the stress and the additional costs that Peabody’s inefficiency has created, either individually or block by block.
Peabody already has acknowledged it has been unable to provide an efficient service – and will continue to for a further nine weeks at leas. Therefore it is not unreasonable that all households should receive a full refund of their service charges.
Compensation is a different issue and it is quite clear all residents deserve some level of compensation and that certain blocks have been hit hardest and this should be acknowledged.
Given that the majority of these residents will be those on low incomes, such as the elderly or disabled, who may well have communication problems, then it is the responsibility of Peabody Trust to identify those affected and to ensure they are visited by either estate management or Peabody social service providers.
Priory Green estate, N1
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